[lazarus] build error on win32

Martyn Ranyard ranyardm at lineone.net
Mon Jul 8 06:12:10 EDT 2002

Hi all.

   I have been a lurker on this list a while, and I now have the chance to 
make an app in freepascal (unfortunately it's a closed source app, but I 
can also work on a opensource project as well (-: ).

   Right, so my main target is Win32 - all my development currently is 
under win32, apart from daemon-level stuff on linux, which I use 
jstar/ppc386 for.

   I used cvs on the linux server to pull latest lazarus and copied it to 
my win32 machine which has fpc-1.0.6 installed in c:\pp.  I put it in 

   I issued the command fpcmake, but this didn't do anything useful, so I 
wiped out the dir, got make.exe from mingw (I have too little space for 
cygwin), and ran it.

   The error I got was "windres: images/mainicon.ico: read of 7336 returned 
1198".  I looked at it, and yes, that file didn't seem to be a windows 
compatible icon.  The xpm source is 64x64 and I couldn't find an icon 
editor on my machine that actually creates the new-format 64x64 icons.  So 
I went to webcvs and pulled the 1.0 version!

   That got me past that one, but then I reran make and the following 
happened :

Compiling ideprocs.pp
ideprocs.pp(165,5) Note: Local variable ATEXT not used
ideprocs.pp(245,31) Hint: Parameter AFILENAME not used
ideprocs.pp(624,11) Error: Identifier not found GETENV
ideprocs.pp(629,13) Error: Identifier not found GETENV
ideprocs.pp(632,15) Error: Identifier not found GETENV
ideprocs.pp(746) Fatal: There were 3 errors compiling module, stopping
make[1]: *** [lazarus.exe] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `C:/lazarus'
make: *** [ide] Error 2

   Now I'd rather not wind back ideprocs.pp to get the unit working, and 
I'll start grepping for GETENV, but in the meantime, anyone know why this 
might be?

Martyn Ranyard
Free Software Advocate

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