[lazarus] Updates

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Wed Jun 19 17:44:11 EDT 2002

Hi all,

I have worked on the form editing. For moving there is now snapping to grid, guidelines and snapping to guidelines. And we no longer need to switch csDesigning flag during creation of new components. Also fixed the selection showing in the object inspector after a move/resize and fixed some minor issues.

! But there are still many bugs. Plz don't use form editing for serious projects. !

- Bug: capture bug after creating a component
- Keybindings in OI and designer forms
- undo/redo for form editing
- drawing grid in all client areas
- drawing grabbers, markers, guidelines and non visual components with clipping
- Parent-Tree (similar to Delphi 6)
- improve gtk-interface for form editing: Many components do not redirect mouse and keyboard to designer.
- all other bugs are probably not implemented features ...

Anyone is invited to help us.


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