[lazarus] Web site and Splash image

Michal Bukovjan bukovjan at mbox.dkm.cz
Wed Mar 6 05:23:22 EST 2002

Looks quite cool!
What do you use to power this? Zope? PHP?

Just curious.

Also, could someone who did the fpc package update the compiler (and put 
it on the Web)  so that current CVS compiles cleanly?



Michael A. Hess wrote:

>The new web site should hopefully be online within another week. I still
>have some porting of existing site content to the new layout and then I
>can turn it on.
>It will be more of a portal site where you can login, submit news,
>answer polls, etc., etc.
>In line with the new site I have also created a new logo for us on the
>site and as the IDE Splash screen. You can see the file at this URL.
>    http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/images/lazarus_about.jpg
>I have adapted the Delphi 4 splash screen to our uses.   ;-)
>Also if you want to see a quick snapshot of what I have got working so
>far with the new web site you can look at this:
>    http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/images/newsite.jpg

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