[lazarus] Response to Win32 bug entry

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Thu May 16 10:50:48 EDT 2002

> > Win32 but there is still more to go to get the IDE in a stable condition.
> > 
> > As soon as the Win32 interface becomes more stable we will be able to
> > create nightly builds of the Lazarus IDE but until now it mean that you
> > have to get the source out of CVS and build it yourself. Hopefully that
> > will change in the very near future.
> > 
> Hi,
> Could it be possible to use Jedi Jwa*.pas Win32API (LGPL) files to support the
> interface and be compatible with Delphi units? Like WinTypes, etc...

Wintypes,procs etc is D1.  Afaik in D2+ they are only legacy. One shouldn't use them anymore. 

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