[lazarus] At last, it is usable. Great

Sebastian Günther sguenther at gmx.de
Thu May 23 08:05:57 EDT 2002

Satan schrieb:

> first of all fpgui has not been active for over a year

yes, and if it will be continued one day (currently I still just don't 
have the time), then with the ability to have native widget sets 
bindings as well... (the release of XP with its new widget style makes 
it necessary to change the basic ideas once more)

> second is lazarus not a windows only project and gtk+ is one of the standard linux widget sets and also available on win32 so it's a very good choice to use

although GTK on Windows is still not a real option for writing serious 
applications, I think...

> and lazarus shall have interfaces for several widget sets in the future so if you want fpgui bindings code them :)

with the new fpGUI, it should be possible to write Lazarus binding quite 
easily. But before this will become reality, I will have to extend fpGFX 
a lot. (and this will be realized in the not too distant future... 
fpAsync as the new base is already quite mature, especially with the 
dozens of improvements I only would have to commit to CVS now...)

- Sebastian

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