[lazarus] New Bug - TMemo Keys

Michal Bukovjan bukovjan at mbox.dkm.cz
Sat Nov 16 06:21:06 EST 2002

Danie Brink wrote:
>  The following does not work.
> TMemo's proeprty
> MaxLength - Control continues to accept input.

Fixed this in CVS. I:

- added/published MaxLength property for Memo
- all Maxlength props now default to -1, as in Delphi/Kylix
- Memo's MaxLength should actually work now
- Edit's Memo will not work for MaxLength = 0 (will work for any value 
 >0, if 0 it continues accept input). To fix this, we would have to 
ditch GTK property and do it Memo's way (where 0 should work as well). 
Me personally find MaxLength=0 a little weird, and this effect can be 
accomplished in a different way (i.e. Enabled:= false).

Have fun,


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