[lazarus] Developing win32

Vincent Snijders vslist at zonnet.nl
Sat Nov 30 05:38:08 EST 2002


Thanks for your answers. Still some questions left.

> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: Mattias Gaertner [mailto:nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de]
> On Fri, 29 Nov 2002 21:44:39 +0100
> "Vincent Snijders" <vslist at zonnet.nl> wrote:


> > Firstly it is not clear what messages the LCL is expecting from an
> > interface object and what messages the an interface object is suposed to
> > handle. The only way is to look at the gtk interface and put
> some (a lot)
> > writelns to see what it does. An example is the the LM_DESTROY message
> > from the interface to the LCL. When you run lazarus (with gtk
> on linux) it
> > only seems to be sent for TPage object and not for TForm.
> This is because the LCL+gtk does not need any LM_Destroy messages
> sent back
> from the interface. But you are right, they should be sent for
> compatibility.
If the LCL + gtk doesn't need it, LCL doesn't need it. Why should any other
interface send such a message for compatibility reasons?

> > If you happen to do so on
> > win32 you get into problems for freeing the form twice (once on the
> > LM_DESTROY message and once when Application.Free is called).
> This was a bug in the LCL. Fixed.
Ok, now the CustomForm doesn't do anything with LM_DESTROY except calling
inherited. Why not remove the message handler completely?

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