[lazarus] CheckBook Tracker 0.9.3 released...

Tony Maro tonym at nlisc.com
Tue Oct 22 13:18:14 EDT 2002


I know y'all are tired of hearing about this by now, but I just posted
the latest version of CheckBook Tracker (0.9.3) for Linux.

Additions this round:
Check Printing (using method suggested by Mattias - make my own PS)
Split Transactions
Sound Support using esound (with much help from Andrew)

Gosh I love Lazarus!

So far only the binaries are posted, but I'll try to massage the source
a bit to make it readable and post it within a day or so.  It's got
examples of writing postscript files for printing, plus using
asynchronous sound support through libesd, without making your app die
if libesd isn't installed.

I've already got people begging me to make it import GnuCash format...

Freshmeat project page (may not show latest version yet):

Homepage: http://tony.maro.net


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