[lazarus] Okay, what else has changed in Lazarus?

Andrew Johnson aj_genius at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 24 13:33:44 EDT 2002

From: Tony Maro <tony at maro.net>
Reply-To: lazarus at miraclec.com
To: Lazarus List <lazarus at miraclec.com>
Subject: Re: [lazarus] Okay, what else has changed in Lazarus?
Date: 24 Oct 2002 12:23:32 -0500
>On Thu, 2002-10-24 at 12:11, Andrew Johnson wrote:
> > I am not certain, but this may be sort of my fault. I changed TForm to
> > inherited from TScrollingWinControl, like Delphi, and Modified its
> > CreateComponent code in the interface to create a scrollbox with a 
> > It may be that something between the two causes a problem. I will see if
> > there is a workaround, or a flaw in my changes, or if this is something 
> > the GTK end.
> >
> > Wait... I do have a thought. It may be because the scrolling label 
> > from TLabel. TLabel has no handle in GTK, which means a call to repaint 
> > DOES call to repaint the parent. maybe the flickering is only now 
> > because of my changes. I will see what happens if I modify the Scrolling
> > Label to use a TStaticText instead....Yes that worked..
>Well this means that if I'm custom drawing my form background in the
>onpaint, yet have labels on the form, I'll always have problems, won't
>I?  I don't mean just scrolling labels, but I noticed before that if I
>placed a label on the help-about I had to make sure I called .invalidate
>on the TLabel after every paint of the form or the painting of the form
>would hide the label.  Perhaps it's a painting order issue with Lazarus
>as well?
>I'm not familiar with a TStaticText so I'll go delve into the sources
>and see what you mean.

A TStaticText is only marginally different then a TLabel in functionality. 
The Biggest difference is that it is a TCustomControl(TWinControl) instead 
of TGraphicControl(TControl). so it owns its own handle. As for your AV 
bizzarre problems, that may still be my fault. But it is also some funky 
coding.  I will send you a modified about form which shouldn't have that AV.


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