[lazarus] CVS updates

Andrew Johnson aj_genius at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 5 13:06:24 EDT 2002

On Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 18:44:05 +0200
"Mattias Gaertner" <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de> wrote:

>1. Add a checkbox to the environment options to automatically remove 
>ambigious pascal files on save.

>2. Before compiling, all project files are checked for ambigious files and
>warnings are added to the messages.

You should probably make sure that you don't just delete, maybe move to an 
'ambigious' folder or rename instead, so that a stupid mistake doesn't mean 
loss of work persay. Maybe add a radio group and an edit box instead, along 
the lines of:

"Ambigious File:"

"Just Warn on Compile"

"Move to a Sub-Directory, and Hint"  "Sub-Directory Name :"

"Delete, and Warn"

I know I've done similarly stupid renaming, and I would prefer to, by 
default, back up in a situation like that.


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