[lazarus] Finished my first project (YAY!)

Tony Maro tonym at nlisc.com
Thu Sep 5 20:17:30 EDT 2002

Okay, like anyone cares...

I downloaded FPC and Lazarus for the first time yesterday.  Today I
finished my first application, and it's a USEFUL one (none of that hello
world crap.)

I have written a front-end for "rdesktop" from www.rdesktop.org that
allows a Linux box to connect to a 2000 or XP machine using RDP.  The
front-end looks and feels like Microsloth's RDP client for XP but has a
nice enhancement.  rdesktop is required for the program to do any good,
but the interface will launch without it.

Nice look and feel
Remembers the last 10 servers you connect to, along with username and
stores those settings in an XML file in the user's home directory

Pretty basic stuff, but I'm proud none the less.  You can download it
from my website if you're interested at:


No doubt I'll get a cease and desist letter from Microsoft for my
graphics... hehe.

Thanks to everyone who helped me get the TIMAGE component working...

The code is horrible (especially one hacked loop I never went back and
fixed) but somewhat commented if anyone wants to quickly learn the
TImage fix and/or XML data storage.

By the way, nobody's gonna get mad that I put the Lazarus webpage logo
on there will they?  I didn't see a "Powered by Lazarus" logo to
download anywhere...

-Tony Maro

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