[lazarus] TStringGrid
Tony Maro
tonym at nlisc.com
Mon Sep 9 17:12:24 EDT 2002
On Mon, 2002-09-09 at 13:16, Michael.VanCanneyt at Wisa.be wrote:
> Did you recompile them using the new mysql unit ?
> If so, can you try and debug the problem ? It would be better to try and fix
> the existing problems; this way everyone benefits from your efforts.
I'd like to help... I'm clueless as where to start. Here's what i can
tell you:
I completely removed my FPC 1.0.6.
I finally got all of FPC 1.0.7 downloaded, built and installed. I'm
using the mysql 3.23 from it. I'm running mysql-3.23.47-5mdk with all
the client and devel library packages as well.
I downloaded the CVS updates for Lazarus today and did "make clean"
under 1.0.7.
I create an application and in the onshow event create a TmysqlDataset
component. I then use that to connect to a database. The program
crashes AFTER connecting, but before the "open" method returns.
The crash message in the console is simply "Internal error." with no
further references. I confirmed that it happens AFTER the
TMySQLDataset.DoOpen method fires by inserting my own writeln statements
in the msyqldb source. I've never used a debugger so you'll have to
forgive me.
Here's the order I can see...
TMySQLDataset.InternalOpen fires
Calls TMySQLDataset.DoOpen
TMySQLDataset.DoOpen completes the last line in it's routine, but never
returns. "Internal error" occurs before the next line in InternalOpen
executes. I've confirmed that by adding a writeln at the very end of
doopen and another immediately after the call to doopen. The first
writeln executes, but the method never returns.
Realize, I'm an end-user of a package like Lazarus... I'm more consumer
grade, so I'm not familiar at all with debuggers, but if you want to
e-mail me details of how to set one up (or a nice howto link) I'd be
happy to try.
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