[lazarus] Localization site
Mattias Gaertner
nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Mon Sep 16 06:39:50 EDT 2002
On Mon, 16 Sep 2002 11:52:48 +0400
"Vasily I. Volchenko" <Vasily.Volchenko at mstu.edu.ru> wrote:
> So, it includes changing (moving strings to rst). Editor options dialog
> had (without any localization) a bug (and have it, if it haven't been
> fixed from Saturday): it is impossible to change font style (bold etc).
It seems, you are right.
I have fixed the TCheckBox.Checked bug during OnClick.
But some syntax hilighting types reacts not instantly to clicks. But after clicking on and off it works.
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