
Marc Weustink marc.weustink at cuperus.nl
Tue Apr 1 03:24:43 EST 2003

+ From: Catalin Mincu [mailto:cata_mincu at yahoo.com]
+ I've got the last fpc snapshot but now I have another
+ error . It's something about fpc.cfg file. Here it is
+ ..

Don't know it it is your fpc.cfg.

Try make OPT=-vut

and look at the output. You now can follow the compilet search paths. Make
sure it can find the file it is looking for.


+ -------------------------
+ C:\Projects\Lazarus\lazarus>make
+ make -C lcl all
+ make[1]: Entering directory
+ `C:/Projects/Lazarus/lazarus/lcl'
+ C:/pp/bin/win32/rm.exe -f units/allunits.ppw
+ C:/pp/bin/win32/ppc386.exe -gl -Fuinterfaces/abstract
+ -Fu. -Fuc:/pp/units/win32/
+ rtl -Fuc:/pp/units/win32/paszlib
+ -Fuc:/pp/units/win32/fcl -Fuc:/pp/units/win32/m
+ ysql -Fuc:/pp/units/win32/ibase -Fiinclude -FUunits
+ -di386 allunits.pp
+ Hint: End of reading config file
+ c:\pp\bin\win32\fpc.cfg
+ Hint: Path ".\interfaces\abstract\" not found
+ Free Pascal Compiler version 1.0.7 [2003/03/24] for
+ i386
+ Copyright (c) 1993-2003 by Florian Klaempfl
+ Target OS: Win32 for i386
+ Compiling allunits.pp
+ Compiling .\interfacebase.pp
+ interfacebase.pp(44,10) Fatal: Can't compile unit
+ CLASSES, no sources available
+ make[1]: *** [allunits.ppw] Error 1
+ make[1]: Leaving directory
+ `C:/Projects/Lazarus/lazarus/lcl'
+ make: *** [lcl] Error 2
+ =====
+ Sincerely yours Catalin
+ Phone : 0721.333.439
+             0722.336.491
+ Mail  : cata_mincu at yahoo.com
+ Web : www.geocities.com/cata_mincu
+           cata76.home.ro
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