[lazarus] Using GTK2

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Wed Apr 2 03:50:21 EST 2003

On 02 Apr 2003 10:37:31 +0200
"A.J. Venter" <ajventer at direqlearn.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have downloaded and installed the 0.85.1 lazarus sources from C.V.S.
> built without a problem, and was able to do some basic coding. However,
> I would prefer to use gtk2 over gtk1.
> I downloaded gtk2pascal but I cannot figure out where I am supposed to
> put it, changing the lazarus makefile to use GTK2 instead of GTK,
> clearly recognises this, and attempts to build, but cannot find the
> units (they are installed in /usr/lib/fpc/1.0.6/units/linux) where do I
> need them in order to use them with lazarus ? I allready have systems
> where gtk1 compiled lazarus apps refuse to run (although my home system
> functions).

The gtk2 interface for the LCL is not complete.

If someone wants to help us imlementing the gtk2 interface:
The gtk2forpascal directory with the compiled .ppu files should be added to
your /etc/fpc.cfg.
The gtk2 interface shares the gtk1 interface files. Basically they just
needs some {$IFDEF gtk2} statements and of course a lot of testing. 

> While I am on it, should I be using a C.V.S snapshot instead ? What are
> the pros/cons.

The cvs snapshots are only for those people who want to download on one
computer and install it on a computer without internet access.

> I am having some bad problems with the project manager, which tends to
> mess up code generation when I use new project, application. Only by
> copying a template project into a new directory can I seem to make it
> work, but this is obviously a work-around.

Can you give more details?

> Finally, how do I set up a TMenuBar component, I can drop it, and change
> the few settings in the object inspector, but I have no idea how to
> configure the menu items or create an action list, seeing as there is no
> actionlist manager/editor to be found in Lazarus.

I have added Oliviers menu editor, so basic menu editing is now possible. 

> Once I am more familiar with Lazarus, I will begin porting all the
> Jedi-VCL components I can over.



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