[lazarus] Using GTK2
Mattias Gaertner
nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Thu Apr 3 03:11:19 EST 2003
On Wed, 2 Apr 2003 03:46:52 -0800 (PST)
Catalin Mincu <cata_mincu at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > I have a suggestion though:
> > Right now, there is almost no way for a person
> > visiting the site to
> > really understand the functionality level of the
> > program. I see this
> > made the FAQ as well (unanswered). If I may, I would
> > like to maintain
> > such a list of "Delphi features that work" and make
> > it available to
> > people.
> > Perhaps Mathias or Michael could send me an initial
> > "shortlist" beyond
> > the obvious, which I will then flesh out.
I think, this list will quite long. The goal of lazarus is to make porting
Delphi programs/components to LCL easy, not to emulate Delphi/VCL.
Here is a beginning:
(There is almost no item, that works exactly as under Delphi)
Is there:
source editor (highlighting, search&replace, ...), form editing (object
inspector, component editors, property editors, sizing, aligning, scaling,
...), projects, identifier completion (Delphi slang: code completion), find
declaration, code templates, smart hints, class completion, debugging
(locals, stack, breakpoints, watches, ...), compilation
include files support, lazarus resources, several code completion tools,
find declaration works with FPC/Delphi/Kylix sources, word completion,
bracket higlighting
online help and docs, packages, data modules, object treeview, code
explorer, project manager, win32 resources, find in files, database wizards,
import delphi projects/packages, translation tools, frames
Is there:
Over 40 components:
TForm, TMainMenu, TPopupMenu, TLabel, TEdit, TMemo, TButton, TToggleBox,
TCheckBox, TRadioButton, TListBox, TComboBox, TScrollBar, TGroupBox,
TStaticText, TRadioGroup, TCheckGroup, TPanel, TBitBtn, TSpeedButton,
TImage, TShape, TBevel, TPaintBox, TNoteBook, TScrollBox, TStringGrid,
TDrawGrid, TImageList, TTrackbar, TProgressBar, TTreeView, TListView,
TStatusBar, TToolBar, TUpDown, TCalendar, TArrow, TTimer, TIdleTimer,
TOpenDialog, TSaveDialog,
TColorDialog, TFontDialog, TSpinEdit, TSynEdit
FCL components:
TProcess, TDatasource, TDatabase, TIBStoredProc, TIBQuery, TIBDatabase
Image saving to file, thread safety for components, frames, drag&drop, tab
stops, actionlinks, lots of components and properties
FCL, RTL, Compiler
This is not part of lazarus, but I guess it will be interesting for the site
as well. With the fpc 1.1 they are very near to Delphi compatibility. The
missing things are mostly win32 specific libs and bindings to all kinds of
libs. Maybe someone of the fpc-team can give some points what is missing.
> > Obviously I know there are others who know the
> > system better than me,
> > but then again, they are busy enhancing it, and I am
> > willing to learn. I
> > think all the developers are doing a marvelous job,
> > and I would like to
> > help. This seems to me, is a good way I can
> > contribute something back.
> > Any sugestions ?
> >
> Yeap .. Maybe some screenshots would be helpful too .
What kind of screenshots do you miss?
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