[lazarus] Display option problem..

Marc Weustink marc at dommelstein.net
Fri Aug 1 16:52:39 EDT 2003

At 16:17 1-8-2003 -0500, Jesus Reyes wrote:


>It seems that when the Fdebugger creates the debugger process (the
>first time the program is about to run) the environment (FEnviroment)
>is empty (doRunProject->doInitProjectRun->doInitDebugger->
>fDebugger:=TgdbMiDebuger.create [0]) and this value is used in the
>CreateProcess call (deep into fDebugger.Init).
>After that the call
>tries to update the environment but it only assign to
>It seems that this value (I can confirm that it is the wished
>environment) is never propagated?

Hmm... makes sense. I'll fix that.


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