[lazarus] gtk interface clean up

Jeroen van Iddekinge iddekingej at lycos.com
Sun Aug 17 05:53:17 EDT 2003


I downloaded lazarus again after a long time, and I noticed that much 
was inproved.. it looks verry good....thanx...
But I noticed that some cleanup was possible for the Gtk Interface, so 
there is also a patch with this email.
There is still more  possible , but the patch was allready big enough.  
Plz comment...
(p.s. Yesterday I also tried to send this patch but i think something 
went wrong and the list never recieved mine email. )

I have also some questions:
* Does the win32 interface also have a message queue like the Gtk 
interface? And if not
  should it also have one (for combining paint messages?)
* Why is there  a FinalizePaintTagMessage in PeekMessage for LM_GTKPaint 
and not for LM_Paint?
* What is the difference between LM_GtkPaint and LM_Paint


* Cleaned up some code in GTk interface
* new unit with TGtkMessageQueue/TGtkMessageQueueItem
  - Moved code from Interface to this unit.
  - Removed duplicate code such as:
     * Hash calculation for fPaintMessage
     * destroy/removal of messages
     * IsPaintMessageCheck
   - moved  fPaintMessage to  TGTkMessageQueue (more transparant handeling)
   - Make adding/removel of  message queue less error prone.
      etc.. etc..



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