[lazarus] patch for setmenu

Marc Weustink marc at dommelstein.net
Wed Dec 17 18:16:04 EST 2003

At 23:52 17-12-2003, Darek Mazur wrote:
>When I was testing SETMENU I found a bug: I have changed MAINMENU many times
>(choice from 3 MENUS) and MAINMENU has been changed only one for each first
>set MENU,  second time was no change. (sorry for my english)
>my patch for this:
>Procedure TCustomForm.SetMenu(Value : TMainMenu);
>   FMenu := Value;
>   if FMenu<>nil then begin
>     FMenu.Parent:=Self;
>     if HandleAllocated and (not (csLoading in ComponentState)) then begin
>       FMenu.HandleNeeded;
>       AttachMenuToWindow(FMENU);  // <--- this added
>     end;
>   end;

Shouldn't be needed there. Isn't this something for the interface ?


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