[lazarus] lazarus vs. xml
leva at az.isten.hu
Thu Dec 18 17:36:01 EST 2003
Mattias Gaertner írta:
> On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 20:50:41 +0100 LeVA <leva at az.isten.hu> wrote:
>>I figured out that my previous problem with opening the project files,
>>is because of the new lazarus doesn't working with my xml libraries.
>>Lazarus can not read it's config files, and the project files, which are
>>all in xml format. This is very serious because I can not do anything
>>with lazarus. If I create a new project, and save it, I can not even
>>reopen it. I get this error message in the console, when I run lazarus:
>>[TEnvironmentOptions.Load] error reading
>>"/home/leva/.lazarus/environmentoptions.xml": In
>>/home/leva/.lazarus/environmentoptions.xml (line 1 pos 1): Expected
> Lazarus does not use libxml. It uses for portability and speed its own xml
> units components/codetools/laz_xml*.
> I can only guess, what happened to your xml files. Can you send some of
> them?
I'm attaching my xml file, but nothing happened to them. If I create a
new project with lazarus, and save it, lazarus saves the project1.lpi
file in xml format. After the saving, lazarus can not reopen the
previously saved file. Nothing has happened to that file during that
five seconds. And the same with the config files. When I start lazarus
it can not read the ~/.lazarus/* files, because those are in xml format
too. So lazarus can not read the fpc's source dir, my tmp dir, and so
on... But! Lazarus saves the config files, and the project files. So it
can save files to xml format, it just can not open it.
I realy need to figure out what is wrong, because I have to work
tonight, and the ftp.freepascal.org doesn't seem to be working, so I can
not even download an older version of lazarus, because those are in the
sf repository doesn't compile. I have only the latest cvs snapshot. It
compiles fine, but it has this "big" problem. I'm also using the latest
fpc snapshot (1.9.1) to be able to use the fpimage feature in lazarus.
Please investigate those xml files, and this lazarus problem.
Thanks a lot!
> Anyone else with the same problem?
> Mattias
>>NOTE: editor options config file not found - using defaults
>>NOTE: miscellaneous options file not found - using defaults
>>NOTE: codetools config file not found - using defaults
>>[TCodeToolsOptions.Load] error reading
>>NOTE: FPC Source Directory not set! (see Environment Options)
>>NOTE: Could not create Define Template for Free Pascal Sources
>>I have these version of xml installed on my system:
>>ii libxml-dev 1.8.17-2
>>ii libxml1 1.8.17-2
>>ii libxml2 2.4.19-4
>>ii libxml2-dev 2.4.19-4
>>I had only the xml2 libraries before, and now that lazarus doesn't work,
>>I thought that it might be because lazarus is only working with xml1
>>libs. So I installed xml1 libs too, and recompiled lazarus. But the
>>problem is still there. Lazarus can not handle xml files.
>>Please try to confirm this problem, and help me.
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>> "unsubscribe" as the Subject
>> archives at http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/mailarchives
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