[lazarus] Bug Report Update - TNotebook generates pagechanged event before most objects created

bugtracker at miraclec.com bugtracker at miraclec.com
Tue Dec 23 09:37:54 EST 2003

Title: TNotebook generates pagechanged event before most objects created

Entered by: Tony Maro

Original Description:
I just learned that a TNotebook will generate a pagechanged event at the form's creation, referencing the current page as the one it was left at during design time.  

Meaning, if you reference objects in a datamodule during the pagechanged event, you get an access violation, because the datamodule hasn't even been created yet.  I was able to put a simple check to see if the datamod existed prior to doing anything, but it seems to me that it shouldn't generate a pagechanged event at creation time.

Updated by: Mattias

Status: Fixed


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