[lazarus] New Bug Entered - lazarus compiled with fpc 1.0.11can\'t open form made with lazarus compiled with 1.9.x

Ken Moffat kmoffat at drizzle.com
Sat Dec 27 14:01:11 EST 2003

Vincent Snijders wrote:

>... this project needs fpc 1.9
>to compile and you shouldn't expect backward compatibility. If that is
>your response, than lazarus from now on needs fpc 1.9.x to compile. You
>can compile lazarus with fpc 1.0 without problem, but you can't open the
>debugger options dialog.

I have lazarus from cvs and fpc 1.0.11, and I can open the debugger 
options dialog.

(he then sticks his tongue out for emphasis) :-)


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