[lazarus] 1.0 todo list?

Micha Nelissen micha at neli.hopto.org
Sat Dec 27 15:30:08 EST 2003

James Mills wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 27, 2003 at 07:01:18PM +0100, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>>On Sat, 27 Dec 2003 17:58:39 +0100  Micha Nelissen <micha at neli.hopto.org>
>>>What are the goals for bringing out a version 1.0 exactly? Nearly all 
>>>parts of lazarus are improving constantly, but when do we consider 
>>>version 1.0 ready? Or are we like WINE, staying at 0.x forever? ;-)
>>>I guess that when a '1.0' is released, especially binaries for win32, 
>>>then more people will start using it and reporting bugs...but it's just 
>>>that: a guess.
> IHMO to release a ver 1.0 we need (at least):
> *: Docs and program help files
> *: Installer, make install, debian packages, etc

Ok, agree.

> *: Other missing LCL components: Internet, Database, SDL ?

Well, we don't have to compete with delphi 7 architect ;-). Let's first 
release a 'stable' version with good docs but not too many feature, then 
we can go and add more features towards a 2.0 release.


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