[lazarus] Single workspace

Raúl Moratalla raul.moratalla at ono.com
Sun Dec 28 10:56:32 EST 2003

Well, I don't know if Delphi is using SDI or MDI, it seems to me that it's 
using MDI but I'm not sure and don't know it ;)
In Delphi you have one window showed in the taskbar and in Lazarus (linux 
version) you can see a lot of windows showed in the taskbar. For my personal 
opinion I think that will be more comfortable see only one window in the 
I hope that I've explained it better :) and it's only a personal opinion.


El Domingo, 28 de Diciembre de 2003 18:02, Michael.VanCanneyt at Wisa.be 
> On Sun, 28 Dec 2003, Ra?l Moratalla wrote:
> > Hi! I use Lazarus and I will find it more useful and comfortable if there
> > was an only workspace with all the windows like in delphi. Will be
> > possible it or do you prefer the style of the current environment with
> > various windows?
> Ahem. There must be a misunderstanding. Delphi is also using a SDI
> interface, just like Lazarus ?
> Or do you mean the windowlist shown in the taskbar ?
> Michael.
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