[lazarus] LCL: menu creation order

Micha Nelissen mdvpost at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 1 06:03:04 EDT 2003

Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Jul 2003 10:08:38 +0200
> "Micha Nelissen" <mdvpost at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> It first creates the children, then attaches to parent. Wouldn't it
>> be more logical to do it the other way around?
> Bottom-Up or Top-Down are both logical and should be supported by the
> interfaces. But for readability and debugging I changed it.

Seems reasonable.

>> First check/attach parent, then create children? I am asking this
>> because win32object.attachmenu uses the parent of the parent and I
>> am not sure whether it is initialized at all times, ie. the children
>> are attached to parents.
> What do you need to fix that?

I am wondering about the following piece of code from

  {Following part fixes the case when an item is added in runtime
  but the parent item has not defined the submenu flag (hSubmenu=0) }
  if (Sender as TMenuItem).Parent.Parent<>nil then
    ParentOfParent := (Sender as TMenuItem).Parent.Parent.Handle;
    with MenuInfo do begin
    GetMenuItemInfo(ParentOfParent, (Sender as TMenuItem).Command,
                    false, @MenuInfo);
    if MenuInfo.hSubmenu=0 then // the parent menu item is not yet defined
with submenu flag
      SetMenuItemInfo(ParentOfParent, (Sender as TMenuItem).Command,
                      false, MenuInfo);

It says it fixes something. But:
1) It it retrieves menuitem if parentofparent, it should use it's parent
command: (Sender as TMenuItem).Parent.Command.
2) All calls to InsertMenuItem (there is only 1) define menuinfo.hSubMenu :=
MenuHandle, which is always already created in CreateHandle. If I 'fix' item
1, it never gets to SetMenuItemInfo anymore, supporting this statement.

Any thoughts?


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