[lazarus] GetFormRelativeMousePosition, GetCaretPos?

Marc Weustink marc.weustink at cuperus.nl
Mon Jul 28 06:07:49 EDT 2003

+ From: Micha Nelissen [mailto:M.Nelissen at student.tue.nl]
+ Sent: maandag 28 juli 2003 8:49
+ Marc Weustink wrote:
+ > 
+ > I guess that is a typo. GetCaretPos should have been GetCursorPos
+ > 
+ > Fixed that.
+ If the following is all fixed then positioning of controls on the 
+ designer form work correctly, they get the position you want instead of 
+ centered:
+ winapi.inc:GetCursorPos -> interface:GetCursorPos -> 
+ win32intf:GetCursorPos.
+ You need to add that last one in win32winapi and win32winapih.

OK, I'll look at it tonight.


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