[lazarus] Patch Find in Files.

Bob Wingard bwingard at gt.rr.com
Mon Jul 28 17:28:23 EDT 2003

Mattias Gaertner wrote:

>On Sun, 27 Jul 2003 23:43:57 -0400
>Bob Wingard <bwingard at gt.rr.com> wrote:

>To the message window:
>The message window is good place for now. 
>It is planned to add a special "Search result" window. This window will
>support highlighting, updates and context information. This way search
>results are not lost on every simple source error. Also it can be extended
>to show context information, like a few lines in front and behind the found
>place. This will be useful especially for the search of identifiers and
>renaming of identifiers/code.
Do you plan for the search result window to be a tab in the current 
Message Dialog using some form of the Synedit component?


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