[lazarus] Compiling for win32

Micha Nelissen mdvpost at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 23 02:48:31 EDT 2003


>> But I also miss windres.exe from the FPC package, and when I used
>> the mingw one, I got errors :(.
> The packages with the utils are:
> ftp://ftp.freepascal.org/fpc/dist/win32-1.0.8/separate/asldw32.zip
> ftp://ftp.freepascal.org/fpc/dist/win32-1.0.8/separate/basew32.zip

Thank you for this information and quick response. But, am I ignorant or
where should I have found this information on the website? Download gives me
the release version; which I don't want. Development gives me links for the
compiler itself, source, binary, but not these utilities as far I can tell.

Thank you very much,


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