[lazarus] Win32 Interface
Marc Weustink
marc.weustink at cuperus.nl
Mon Jun 23 04:28:43 EDT 2003
From: Horacio Jamilis [mailto:hjamilis at pymesoft.com.ar]
Sent: zondag 22 juni 2003 3:53
+ Hi,
+ I was trying to compile lazarus under Win32 to start debuging it.
+ When I tried to "make DEBUG=1 clean all" to build lazarus with
+ debuging information, it fails.
+ Here are the last lines.
+ HELP!!!!!
At he moment, using DEBUG=1 enables to many checks which cause Lazarus to
crash. For now, better use OPT=-g (this onlyt enables debuginfo, which is
enough to debug.
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