[lazarus] Tree within library

SteveG steveg at nevets.com.au
Thu May 1 00:34:49 EDT 2003

Drat - Thanks anyway, I'll have to try something different to fix this.

Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Thu, 01 May 2003 01:55:23 +1000
> SteveG <steveg at nevets.com.au> wrote:
>>Your example does works ok, so I have imported your code into a small 
>>project to demonstrate my problem. (attached)
>>when running, you 'should' see that the 
>>speedbuttons/statictext/image/tree all disappear/corrupt when a window 
>>is moved over the top of them. Also notice that the tree items can not 
>>be selected once the library has opened, but the edit field works ok.
>>In this example, it seems the library form is fine, but the main app 
>>form shows the problem - probably solve one, solve all.
> You are doubling code.
> Both, the lib and your program contain the full LCL code and thus creating
> two applications. The only thing that is shared, is the gtk lib and that's
> why the edit fields work.
> Either you use the LCL in only one of them (the program or the lib) or you
> put the LCL, FCL and every shared part into one or more libs. The second
> solution is of course much more elegant. And if it would work, the lazarus
> team would have done so. The sad truth is that fpc does not yet fully
> support dynamic libs (PIC). For simple programs you can use the cmem trick,
> but for such monsters as the LCL, FCL, ... it is not sufficient.
> I hope this information is outdated or there is a workaround to get dynamic
> libs. Maybe someone of the fpc team can give us a hint.
> Mattias
>>Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>>>On Tue, 29 Apr 2003 10:43:44 +1000
>>>SteveG <steveg at nevets.com.au> wrote:
>>>>Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>>>>>On Mon, 28 Apr 2003 00:12:24 +1000
>>>>>SteveG <steveg at nevets.com.au> wrote:
>>>>>>a few questions this time:
>>>>>>First, problems using Forms in a library (.so)
>>>>>>1. If using a TTreeView I get an error msg - ERROR: 
>>>>>>[TgtkObject.CreateBitmap] Illegal depth 0,
>>>>>>as the library initializes, and am unable to focus on any items.
>>>>>>Works ok on a standard test program -
>>>>>I tried dynamic libs under fpc a few months ago and ran into several
>>>>>problems. How do you create the libs?
>>>>I load / unload my libraries with the following code (sample library as 
>>>> pStr1:=StrAlloc( 255 ); 
>>>> StrPCopy( pStr1, npFindFile('libLxSystem.so', npAppPath(), 0) ); 
>>>> LxSystem_LibAddr := dlopen( pStr1, 1 ); 
>>>>                                                       StrDispose( 
>>>>pStr1 ); 
>>>> pointer( LxSystem_LxCmdIn_1 ) := dlsym( LxSystem_LibAddr, 'LxCmdIn_1'
>>>>if LxSystem_LibAddr <> Nil then dlclose( LxSystem_LibAddr ); 
>>>I only got access violations.
>>>Use cmem as heapmanager. Add it as first unit in the library.
>>>Then a treeview seems to work.
>>>See attachment.
>>>>>>2. If the form is sent behind another, then brought back to the front,
>>>>>>all TStaticTest objects and TSpeedbuttons have disappeared and the 
>>>>>>screen needs to be re-drawn in code to refresh
>>>>>Normally the gtk sends an expose event in such cases, which results in
>>>a>>LM_PAINT message. Can you send me an example?
>>>>The sample library I have attached will cause the above problem - would 
>>>>you prefer me to supply a working exe/lib example ?
>>>There are also 3 TSpeedButtons in the attached example, which don't have
>>>the problem you described. Maybe it's an windowmanager issue.
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