[lazarus] IPC question...

cryst cryst at golden.net
Fri May 2 11:29:25 EDT 2003

I'm using X on cygwin on XP to talk to a Linux box.  I'm able to start
gnome-session with the following:

ssh -X -l chris linuxboxen
gnome-session --replace

(The replace doesn't seem to work, but it comes up anyhow).

But I can't figure out how to start kde. Anybody know?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Marc Weustink" <marc.weustink at cuperus.nl>
To: <lazarus at miraclec.com>
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2003 9:26 AM
Subject: RE: [lazarus] IPC question...

> + From: Tom Lisjac [mailto:netdxr at adelphia.net]
> +
> + > + With Process1 do
> + > +   Begin
> + > +     CommandLine:='/usr/bin/find /usr';
> + > +     Active:=True;
> + > +   End;
> + > +
> + > + This creates a process... but it allocates zero ram and
> + doesn't execute
> + > + the find command.
> +
> + > Ehm, where and how did you create it ?
> +
> + I dropped a TProcess component on a blank form along with two buttons...
> + one to initialize CommandLine and set Active true... and the other to
> + set active false.
> Ah, I never used TProces as component, I create it in code. Maybe you neer
> some options or so.
> Example from cmdlinedebugger.pp:
> function TCmdLineDebugger.CreateDebugProcess(const AOptions: String):
> Boolean;
> begin
>   if FDbgProcess = nil
>   then begin
>     FDbgProcess := TProcess.Create(nil);
>     FDbgProcess.CommandLine := ExternalDebugger + ' ' + AOptions;
>     FDbgProcess.Options:= [poUsePipes, poNoConsole, poStdErrToOutPut];
>     FDbgProcess.ShowWindow := swoNone;
>     FDbgProcess.Environment:=Environment;
>   end;
>   if not FDbgProcess.Running
>   then begin
>     FDbgProcess.Execute;
>     WriteLn('[TCmdLineDebugger] Debug PID: ', FDbgProcess.Handle);
>   end;
>   Result := FDbgProcess.Running;
> end;
> Marc
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