[lazarus] TCustomMaskEdit problem

Jesus Reyes jesusrmx at yahoo.com.mx
Fri May 2 14:06:32 EDT 2003

I usually use the mouse to select all the text from right to left, I
have noticed that when I start to type text to override the selection
the literal(fixed) characters become the pad character[1]. This not
happen if I select all text using doubleclick or SelectAll method,
but if there are literal characters at the begining of the maskedit
then the first key presses are missed[2], it seems this happen either
storing or not storing the editmask. However if you read the text
property it happens to be OK.

[1] 00-00-00;0;?   => selectAll(dragmouse) & type 987 --> 98?7??-?
[2] (00)-00-00;0;? => selectAll(dblclik) & Type 987 --> (87)-??-??


Jesus Reyes A.

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