[lazarus] Bug Report Update

bugtracker at miraclec.com bugtracker at miraclec.com
Fri May 16 15:23:12 EDT 2003

Title: Win98, compiling error

Entered by: Ivan

Original Description:
Under win98, FPC 1.0.6, before stopping make says:
"Compiling main.pp
main.pp(1203,35) Error: Method (variable) and Procedure (variable) are not compatible
main.pp(1203,35) Error: Incompatible types: got "<procedure variable type of procedure(TCOMPONENT) of object;>" expected "<procedure variable type of procedure(TOBJECT) of object;>"
main.pp(10245) Fatal: There were 2 errors compiling module, stopping
MAKE.EXE[1]: Leaving directory `C:/pp/source/lazarus'
So, I don't know, who is a trouble - compiler, operating system or Lazarus?

Updated by: Mattias

Status: Not a bug

MG: Wrong compiler. Use at least 1.0.7 from 21 sept 2002

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