[lazarus] TButton Onclick problem

Tóth Imre imretoth at tar.hu
Wed Nov 5 16:31:10 EST 2003

Hello list!

I think, i try lazarus. Download lazarus- and
fpc-1.0.10-0 rpms, and install them, after chechking any dependency.
After install, Start Lazarus. I see one form. I put one button into
form. I want write button OnClick event, but when I click in Object
Inspector TButton OnClick event, it sad this in Messages:
/usr/share/lazarus/lcl/forms.pp(49,23)Error: unit not found: CustApp

And in form source code blinking cursor this place(CustApp):
  Classes, Controls, LCLStrConsts, VCLGlobals, SysUtils, LCLType,
LCLProc, LCLLinux, InterfaceBase, GraphType, Graphics, Menus, LMessages,
CustomTimer,  ActnList, ClipBrd
  {$IFDEF UseCustApp},CustApp{$ENDIF}


Best regards: Emeric

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