[lazarus] spinedit bug?

Ken Moffat kmoffat at drizzle.com
Sun Nov 9 10:44:36 EST 2003

Mattias Gaertner wrote:

>On Sat, 08 Nov 2003 21:52:18 -0800
>Ken Moffat <kmoffat at drizzle.com> wrote:
>>The SpinEdit control will not decrease to zero. If I set min value to 0 
>>it stops at 1.
>It seems to be a bug in TWriter. You can't set a default value for
>properties of type single. But TWriter ignores this and simply assumes 0 is
>the default. So, 0 is not saved to the lfm file.
>Does 1.9 allow default values for properties of type single?

Shouldn't I be able to spin it down to zero?
also, when I attempt to set a default below 1 ie, 0.1, I get an "Invalid 
float" error.


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