[lazarus] Editor Options - Color problem

BoBo BoBo aborka at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 10 20:27:04 EST 2003

Is it possible that with Gtk2 it will be better or does not matter?
I compiled Lazarus with Gtk1.2  ... I think :)

>From: Tony Maro <tony at maro.net>
>Reply-To: lazarus at miraclec.com
>To: lazarus at miraclec.com
>Subject: Re: [lazarus] Editor Options - Color problem
>Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 19:02:15 -0600
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>BoBo BoBo wrote:
>>I have noticed that the Environment->Editor Options->Color
>>dialog "Element" listbox behaves a little strange sometimes.
>>Using my mouse to select the elements sometimes the selection
>>just jumps to the first element and stays there instead of selecting
>>the item I clicked on.
>>It seems that all clicks there are working in a way that at first the
>>very first item is highlighted in the listbox and only after that it will
>>highlight the item where the click actually happened (hapens really
>>fast though). But sometimes this second highlighting is not
>>happening leaving my mouse where I clicked but highlighting the
>>first element in the listbox.
>>It is not at all hard to reproduce this behaviour on my machine,
>>I need only 5-10 clicks in the listbox to get it.
>>I have VMWare, Mandrake 9.1, KDE.
>>Anyone else has this small glitch?
>All listboxes in GTK sometimes do weird things like this.  Apparently GTK 
>sends the events out of order sometimes.
>I'm not aware that anyone has a solution yet...?
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