[lazarus] SearchResultsView Changes.

Bob Wingard bwingard at gt.rr.com
Fri Nov 14 22:46:04 EST 2003

On Fri, 2003-11-14 at 18:52, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Nov 2003 19:26:54 -0600
> Bob Wingard <bwingard at gt.rr.com> wrote:
> > Mattias,
> > 	Changes to add Tabs to the searchresultsview form. I started messing
> > around with highlighting the search term, but I think that I need to
> > look at the listbox implementation first. It appears to be double
> > drawing when you select owner drawn. One time for the normal update and
> > one time for the owner drawn update. 
> That's right. It's not easy to tell the gtk_list to not draw items. 
> > I still have not figured out how to
> > run heaptrc on my system, I do not think I left memory leaks out there
> > but have not been able to check. Tell me what you would like to see
> > different, is this the right direction?
> I would like to see the file searchresultsview.lfm.
Whops! Sorry.
> Mattias
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object SearchResultsView: TSearchResultsView
  CAPTION = 'SearchResultsView'
  ONCREATE = Form1Create
  LEFT = 280
  HEIGHT = 224
  TOP = 389
  WIDTH = 803
  object ResultsNoteBook: TNOTEBOOK
    ALIGN = albottom
    ANCHORS = [aktop, akleft]
    ONCLOSETABCLICKED = ResultsNoteBookClosetabclicked
    OPTIONS = [nboshowclosebuttons, nbomultiline]
    HEIGHT = 184
    TOP = 40
    WIDTH = 803
  object btnSearchAgain: TBUTTON
    ANCHORS = [aktop, akleft]
    CAPTION = 'Search Again'
    TABSTOP = True
    TABORDER = 1
    ONCLICK = btnSearchAgainClick
    LEFT = 8
    HEIGHT = 25
    TOP = 8
    WIDTH = 115

{ This is an automatically generated lazarus resource file }

  +'left'#0#7'CAPTION'#6#12'Search Again'#7'TABSTOP'#9#8'TABORDER'#2#1#7'ONCLIC'

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