[lazarus] DB components
Andrew Johnson
acjgenius at earthlink.net
Fri Oct 17 13:04:39 EDT 2003
the visual DB components are quite new so grab a current copy of lazarus
from CVS. While n some cases unused/untested, they should theoretically
work in the same way as the Delphi versions, insofar as they are
currently implemented. Currently no non-visual components are built in
by default, however I believe there is now a MySQL Package included in
current lazarus cvs you can play with to get MySQL non-visual components
on the component palette(I haven't had a chance to look myself). (open
and install package lazarus/components/mysqllaz.lpk)
The non-visual have been in the FCL for a while now, and should already
be available, with a MySQL, and Interbase etc components for access even
without lazarus. While they are not complete they do work well to some
Beyond that atm I would say simply experiment. And as you come across
problems that prevent doing what you need, ask further more specific
questions on the list. :)
On Fri, 2003-10-17 at 12:34, spiri wrote:
> Hi,
> I came from Delphi and one of my first needs is to use non visual db
> components (connection, tables, queries) and visual db components
> (grids, cbox, etc), how can I do that?
> I search the new site but didn't find nothing.
> If some one can send me links to db related components it will be great!
> Tanks
> spiri
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