[lazarus] How active is this list

Tony tony at maro.net
Fri Oct 17 17:03:16 EDT 2003

Pierre Kellerman wrote:

>First of all Hello there to all the people on the list.

>I am new to Lazarus. But I successfully installed in and have just
>compiled my first GUI application. Very nice. Now I have many more
>questions. The first is How active is this list? 
Completely inactive some days, will max your connection bandwidth 
others.  In general, pretty darn active.

>Will I get the help I
>need from here? and if not where can I go for help.
NO!  GO AWAY!   (Just kidding!) ;-)

First, I do recommend you read the FAQ's on the Lazarus website.  Many 
common questions are of course answered there, but unlike most lists you 
will probably not be flamed for asking a question already on the FAQ.

So what's on your mind?

Tony Maro
Systems Consultant
The Maro Group
(256) 337-5759

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