[lazarus] CVS updates

Marc Weustink marc at dommelstein.net
Sun Oct 19 12:35:54 EDT 2003

At 01:35 19-10-2003, Elio Cuevas Gómez wrote:
>Marc Weustink wrote:
>>Can you try my testapp ?
>>the upper 2 lines print out resp. the KeyDown and the KeyPress event. In 
>>the KeyPress event you should see the accented chars.
>I rechecked too, all chars works OK in other controls, seems to be SynEdit 
>specific. CopyPasting accented chars works.
>When i hit acent chars such ', ^, ", etc Your testapp shows "deadacute", 
>"deadcircumflex", "deaddieresis" respectively, with a lot of other 
>Extrange info ;-)

Can you check it again with my testapp (there is a newer version) with 
logging enabled and can you send me the output when you try to create an 
accented char ?


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