[lazarus]How to compile sources

Radek Brecka llazarus at seznam.cz
Tue Sep 9 06:38:04 EDT 2003


I can't compile the Lazarus project on Win98.

I tried it with FPC ver. 1.0.6 and ver 1.0.10.

At first I installed FPC in "c:\pp" directory. Then I tried to compile an easy program like
"Hello word". The compilation was successful. 

Then I unziped a lazarus.zip file into c:\lazarus directory. The lazarus.zip file was 
downloaded in january 2003 (I wasn't able to download a newer version from 
ftp://ftp.freepascal.org/pub/fpc/source/lazarus.zip ).
Then I run command.com and switched to the directory lazarus (cd c:\lazarus).
Eventually I type "make" to compile lazarus project. I think that the compilation wasn't 
successful, because it finished by this messages (this is a list of last sceen):

C:/PP/BIN/WIN32/MAKE.EXE -C designer all
MAKE.EXE[1]: Entering directory `C:/lazarus/designer'
C:/PP/BIN/WIN32/MAKE.EXE -C jitform all
MAKE.EXE[2]: Entering directory `C:/lazarus/designer/jitform'
C:/PP/BIN/WIN32/rm.exe -f ../units/jitform.ppw
C:/PP/BIN/WIN32/ppc386.exe -gl -Fu../../lcl/units/win32 -Fu../../lcl/units -Fu.
-Fuc:/pp/units/win32/rtl -Fuc:/pp/units/win32/paszlib -Fuc:/pp/units/win32/fcl -
Fuc:/pp/units/win32/mysql -Fuc:/pp/units/win32/ibase -FU../units -di386 jitform.
Free Pascal Compiler version 1.0.6 [2002/04/23] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2002 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling jitform.pas
94 Lines compiled, 0.3 sec
MAKE.EXE[2]: Leaving directory `C:/lazarus/designer/jitform'
MAKE.EXE[1]: Leaving directory `C:/lazarus/designer'
C:/PP/BIN/WIN32/MAKE.EXE lazarus.res
MAKE.EXE[1]: Entering directory `C:/lazarus'
windres -i lazarus.rc -o lazarus.res --preprocessor C:/PP/BIN/WIN32/cpp.exe
windres: no resources
MAKE.EXE[1]: *** [lazarus.res] Error 1
MAKE.EXE[1]: Leaving directory `C:/lazarus'
C:\PP\BIN\WIN32\MAKE.EXE: *** [ide] Error 2

At second I downloaded sources by CVS and then I tried to compiled sources the same way (at W2K).
But I recieved such error messages: 

Error makefile 1916: Command syntax error
Error makefile 1958: Command syntax error
Error makefile 1959: Command syntax error
Error makefile 2001: Command syntax error
Error makefile 2002: Command syntax error
Error makefile 2044: Command syntax error
Error makefile 2045: Command syntax error
Error makefile 2087: Command syntax error
Error makefile 2089: Command syntax error
Error makefile 2131: Command syntax error
Error makefile 2150: Command syntax error
Error makefile 2151: Command syntax error
Error makefile 2152: Command syntax error
Error makefile 2156: Too many rules for target '%.res'
Error makefile 2158: Command syntax error
Error makefile 2159: Command syntax error
Error makefile 2160: Command syntax error
Error makefile 2177: Command syntax error
Error makefile 2178: Command syntax error
Error makefile 2179: Command syntax error
Error makefile 2180: Command syntax error
*** 1008 errors during make ***

What should I do to compile Lazarus and how do I run Lazarus IDE?

Thank you Radek Brecka
VYHRAJ LETENKY a víkend pro dva v NEW YORKU !!!!! Tipni zde www.modravyhra.cz

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