[lazarus] Implementation of TOpenDialog multiple selections under win32

Karl Brandt pascalive at bol.com.br
Sat Sep 13 19:25:33 EDT 2003

The patch does the cited above, cleans creation of CommonDialogs and 
removes unused/buggy code (LM_SETFILTER,LM_SETFILENAME).

What's the expected by LCL when user clicks Cancel at Save/Open Boxes:
Set Filename to '' and clear Files or mantain previous values?
The Patch does the former, being easy to change.

BTW: In my system, all progs with Open/Save dialogs (compiled with FPC , 
GCC,Delphi ... - includind MS ones) get a SIGSEG signal after first use 
of the cited dlgs. Does someone is getting the same?
To see it, just load the exe with gdb.

Using WindowsXP Professional version 2002, no SR


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