Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Sat Sep 27 05:35:54 EDT 2003

On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 10:58:59 +0200
Manuel Pérez López <manuel.perez.lopez at hispalinux.es> wrote:

> Hello:
> I have a proyect that it run ok the last week, but when I have updated
> Lazarus from CVS today, these errors are showing when lazarus loads the
> proyect:
> Error 1: Error reading Form
> Component Class: TSTRINGGRID
> Error while reading Stringgrid1.HORZSCROLLBAR.PAGE: unknown property
> Are there any change in Lazarus that I do not know?

I applied the new grid.pas from Jesus last week. Here is the log:

VERSION: 0.8.5:
Date: 15-Sept-2003
- TCustomGrid is derived from TCustomControl instead of TScrollingWinControl
  means that:
  * No more transparent grid at design time
  * No more HorzScrolLBar and VertScrollbar in Object inspector
  * HorzScrollbar and VertScrollbar doesn't exists anymore
  * Scrollbar is handled with setscrollinfo or through the new ScrollbarXXXX
     protected methods.
- TDrawGrid attribute support was removed and added to a new TStringGrid
- Removed CanSelect, OnCanSelect, TOnCanSelectEvent now it uses SelectCell
  OnSelectCell and TOnSelectCell.
- Implemented Auto edit mode (Typing something will show editor)
- Implemented EditorMode

Just open the lfm file in a text editor of your choice and remove the
HorzScrollbar and VertScrollbar.

Eventually the IDE will have a wizard to fix broken lfm files. I already
started some parts in parts in the FCL, but I didn't had the time to start
the wizard.


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