[Lazarus] DrawText function problems

Lee Jenkins lee at datatrakpos.com
Sun Apr 13 16:06:48 CEST 2008

Lee Jenkins wrote:
> Lee Jenkins wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm having a problem with drawing text on an image using the DrawText 
>> function where the area around the text masked out.  Please see the 
>> attached image.
>> This same routine works perfectly in Delphi.  Maybe the 
>> Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear is not working?

I have attached a small sample application that shows that even though the text 
is printed onto the TImage descendant, it is not drawn correctly where the font 
is jagged and squeezed together and almost readable.

At first, I couldn't get the Brush.Style to be clear, but after I was able to do 
that, the font just will not render correctly.  I have attached a screen shot 
also that shows what the phone looks like.

I'm on Lazarus 9.24 Vista Business (same behavior on XP Pro though).


Warm Regards,


"When my company started out, we were really, really, really, really small. 
Now...we're just really small."
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