[Lazarus] I only would like to understand...

Vincent Snijders vsnijders at quicknet.nl
Fri Apr 18 23:33:18 CEST 2008

ArĂ­ Ricardo Ody schreef:
> I posted a question about hexadecimal addresses of interruptions in 
> FPC/Lazarus. I need to post the same questions 3 times till receive 
> some answer. The answers was given by too guys that are in a certain 
> view friends of mine. I think that answered because of these kind of 
> friendship.
> I would like to understand why some questions are never answered 
> here... This is not the first time I post a question and nobody answer...
> I'm only trying to understand. No offense.

I never had to tackle that question, because if I want to have more 
information, I compile with -gl.

Usually, if you compile with -gl, you don't need to interprete the 
hexadecimal addresses, because you get a file and line number.

I have no explanation, why you don't have file and line number, so I 
cannot help you.


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