[Lazarus] Error during startup of IDE SVN 15949 on MAC OS X 10.5 PPC

Roland Turcan konf at rotursoft.sk
Mon Aug 4 21:40:50 CEST 2008

Hello Mattias,

MG> Is this a PowerPC or an Intel Mac?
Maybe you didn't see, but in the subject I wrote PPC.

MG> Can you send me the lfm and lrs file?
I repeated it more times and I used the latest SVN. Later I tried to
revert msgview.lrs and msgview.lfm to SVN 15417 and Lazarus has
started after recompilation. It seems to me, that your change in 15897
is the reason for the error.


<<< 4.8.2008 17:56 - Mattias Gärtner "nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de" >>>
MG> Zitat von Roland Turcan <konf at rotursoft.sk>:

>> Hello General mailing list!
>> TCarbonWindow.SetScrollInfo TODO
>> NOTE: help options config file not found - using defaults
>> Reading symbols for shared libraries . done
>> Error in LCL:TLRSObjectReader.SkipValue unknown valuetype

MG> ValueType is a byte, so the error was probably in front.
MG> Is this a PowerPC or an Intel Mac?
MG> Can you send me the lfm and lrs file?

MG> Mattias

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Best regards, TRoland

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