[Lazarus] TShiftstate

Howard Page-Clark hdpc at talktalk.net
Wed Aug 6 17:31:53 CEST 2008


Because shift is of type set (not an integer or some other variable type) 
you cannot test for equality as you would for integer variables with the 
algebraic "=" sign. The syntax needed is:

if (ssShift in shift) then .


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alex du Plessis" <alexdup01 at telkomsa.net>
To: "Lazarus mailing list" <lazarus at lazarus.freepascal.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 4:15 PM
Subject: [Lazarus] TShiftstate

>I am trying to check a shift state in an onMouseUp event
> if shift=ssShift then
> but when I compile this I get an error
> E:\DataRoot\Projects\DelphiConversions\Mathparsers\LXExpParser\Source\lxmathstringgrid.pas(132,11)
> Error: Incompatible types: got "TShiftStateEnum" expected "TShiftState"
> When I look in classesh.inc (where it is defined) there is a strange
> definition
> {$packset 1}
>  TShiftState = set of TShiftStateEnum;
> {$packset default}
> How do I check my shift state and get around this compiler error?
> Regards
> Alex du Plessis
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