Bogusław Brandys brandys at o2.pl
Wed Aug 6 21:23:02 CEST 2008

Luca Olivetti pisze:
> En/na Luca Olivetti ha escrit:
>> En/na Luca Olivetti ha escrit:
>>> Hello,
>>> I see that in win32callback.inc, WM_QUERYENDSESSION filters by LParam=0.
>>> This allows me to block system shutdown or reboot (by setting 
>>> cancel:=true in  an ApplicationProperties OnQueryEndSession event) but 
>>> *not* intercept session closing (since LParam is <>0 in that case, see 
>>> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa376890.aspx).
>>> Maybe the lcl should pass on the message even if LParam is <>0 (but it 
>>> should give a wey to differentiate cases).
>>> BTW, the same happens for WM_ENDSESSION, so the app isn't notified that 
>>> the session is being closed.
>> As a temporary solution, I just commented out the "and (LParam=0)" in 
>> win32callback.inc, both for WM_QUERYENDSESSION and for WM_ENDSESSION.
> No opinions on this? Should I file a bug or this is the intented 
> behaviour. If the latter, what about catching session closing?
> Bye

Feel free to modify it.Maybe add variable Reason with default value 
endShutdown (=0) defined as constant so older code would be unchanged to



   procedure TApplication.IntfQueryEndSession(var Cancel : Boolean);

in application.inc may become :

   procedure TApplication.IntfQueryEndSession(var Cancel : 
Boolean;Reason : Integer = endShutdown);


Sorry,can't help much it was so long ago when I needed this message handler.


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