[Lazarus] [lazarus] Gtk?

Boian Mitov mitov at mitov.com
Wed Aug 6 22:07:13 CEST 2008

    I second that,

I have not taken much look at the fpGUI architecture but if it is made so it 
can also serve as a low level Qt/Gtk wrapper then the LCL can be made purely 
to rely on fpGUI and the complexity in it will be reduced.
As I said I have not looked too deep into the underlying architecture but if 
the platform/framework specific stuff is all placed into as tiny layer 
(fpGUI) as possible, the LCL can really be made more portable, and the 
platform/framework specific functionality will become well insolated.
This will make it (in theory) both easier to support and port to other 
environments. It also will allow for more native implementations of the 
fpGUI and probably it becoming a framework of its own right.
Personally I would put my vote on fpGUI ;-) .

  With best regards,
    Boian Mitov

Mitov Software

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Reenen Laurie" <rlaurie at gmail.com>
To: "General mailing list" <lazarus at lazarus.freepascal.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Lazarus] [lazarus] Gtk?

> Ahhh... I forget about non-gpl programmers...
> fpGUI sounds like a plan.  :-)

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