[Lazarus] [lazarus] Gtk?

Pavel Řezníček cigydd at gmail.com
Wed Aug 6 23:56:19 CEST 2008

Reenen Laurie napsal(a):
> My concern is the amount of work that goes into making something
> "work" on Gtk1, Gtk2, Windows, Carbon, Qt, etc.
> Some of the older widget sets doesn't support cool (or even basic)
> user interface stuff like docking... The gimp still makes me shudder.
> You can "get it to work" on those widget sets, but with weeks of
> coding - working "around" the lack of support.  Sometimes breaking
> support for other widget sets.
> Boian's idea of a "thin layer" sounds like a decent enough solution.
> Regards,
> -Reenen
Hello all,

Well, I'm new to this group but I think that the difficult stuff of 
unifying many widgetsets under one interface, thus creating an 
universal, multi-platform widgetset, is great in result - from the point 
of view of the end-user developer. If others made the work in place of 
the Lazarus Team (fpGUI team, if I understand good), yes, it would be 
great to rely on that. But don't forget that the used unifying code of 
fpGUI goes then out of control of the Lazarus/LCL Team. Or am I wrong 
with that?


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